The Pulling the Thread Podcast

Jesus the Jew within Judaism – Tracing Jesus Beyond Christianity – A Jewish Reclamation of Jesus!

Meta’s Decision to Ban Holocaust Denial is Applauded by The Brandeis Center

Washington, D.C., January 23: In a significant move, the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law lauds Meta’s Oversight Board for taking a stance against Holocaust denial. Alyza D. Lewin, the Center’s president, issued a statement expressing appreciation for Meta’s decision, citing it as a crucial step in combatting anti-Semitism.

“We commend Meta’s Oversight Board for recognizing the inexorable logic that using anti-Semitic conspiracy theories to attempt to falsely deny mass atrocities conclusively proven in court and admitted by the perpetrators is anti-Semitic, and consequently falls within Meta’s hate speech policy. While free speech is vital, Meta has chosen to prohibit hate speech on its own platforms. When companies do that, they can’t leave out anti-Semitic hate speech – they must provide Jewish users with the same protections as everyone else.

We know that online hate helps drive the record levels of anti-Semitism we are seeing across the country, as well as the horrific discrimination against and harassment of Jewish students we see on campus. If Meta implements this decision properly, it will serve as a very important step in beating back spiking anti-Jewish hate.” – Brandeis Center

Lewin commended Meta’s acknowledgment that using anti-Semitic conspiracy theories to deny well-established historical facts is inherently anti-Semitic and falls under Meta’s hate speech policy. The Center emphasized the importance of extending equal protection to Jewish users and applauded Meta’s commitment to prohibiting hate speech on its platforms.

Days ahead of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Meta’s Oversight Board, an independent entity overseeing content moderation decisions, ruled that Meta had erred by allowing Holocaust denial content on its platforms. The Board, aligning with the Brandeis Center’s arguments, deemed Holocaust denial as anti-Semitic hate speech, a violation of Meta’s content moderation policies.

The Brandeis Center underscored the irrefutable evidence of the Holocaust as the most documented genocide in history, proven at the Nuremberg Tribunal. Holocaust denial, the Center argued, relies on anti-Semitic stereotypes and conspiracy theories, constituting a form of hate speech under international human rights law.

Meta’s Oversight Board adopted the Brandeis Center’s reasoning in its decision, citing the Center’s public comment. The Board called on Meta to enhance its measures against Holocaust-denying content, including improving algorithms, providing better training for human moderators, and addressing Holocaust distortion.

International law expert Arthur Traldi and President Alyza D. Lewin submitted the Brandeis Center’s comment. The Center, in its ongoing fight against anti-Semitism, has produced a fact sheet and webinar on Holocaust denial.

The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, an independent nonprofit, is dedicated to advancing civil and human rights for the Jewish people. Through research, education, and legal advocacy, the Center addresses anti-Semitism on college campuses and beyond, empowering students and educating administrators on combating racism and anti-Semitism. Not affiliated with any specific institution sharing the name, the Center operates independently to honor the late U.S. Supreme Court justice, Louis D. Brandeis.

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Pulling the Thread is a captivating podcast that delves into a plethora of thought-provoking topics. With its engaging episodes and insightful discussions, it offers a fresh perspective on various subjects, serving as a valuable source of inspiration and knowledge. Whether you’re a seasoned podcast enthusiast or a curious newcomer, Pulling the Thread guarantees to captivate your mind and keep you coming back for more. So, gear up and embark on an intellectual journey with this exceptional podcast!

The Pulling the Threads Podcast’s primary objective is to study and analyze Jesus within his Jewish context through the lens of Judaism before Christianity. Our primary objective is to study and analyze Jesus within his Jewish context, specifically from a pre-Christianity perspective. Seeking a Jewish Reclamation of Jesus, relying on Jewish and secular biblical scholars who specialize in Second Temple Judaism, the Qumran community, the Parting of Ways around 90 CE, the Historical Jesus, and Textual Criticism. Some notable scholars mentioned include Geza Vermes, Hyam Maccoby, Alan Segal, Carol Harris-Shapiro, Lawrence Kushner, Samuel Sandmel, Bart Ehrman, James Tabor, Robert Eisenman, Paula Frederiksen, and Hugh Schonfield.

The site aims to approach the New Testament using the historical-critical method and textual criticism within the realm of secular Jewish scholarship, reflecting the perspectives of mainstream Judaism today. Engaging in scholarly and polemical discussions, the group seeks to question and challenge established Christian doctrines. The main goal is to establish an independent Jewish understanding of Jesus, emphasizing his significance within a Jewish context and distancing him from centuries of Christian interpretations. Furthermore, the group aims to conduct a comprehensive historical examination of Jesus, employing textual criticism to counter Christianity’s claims regarding the New Testament. The focus is on understanding Jesus within Judaism based on the Torah and Talmud.

This is about Jewish and Secular Scholarship into the New Testament using the Historical Critical method and Textual Criticism within Jewish scholarship. For us Jews, the Tanakh and Talmud inform our view of scripture. In the modern age, as Jews, we struggle with texts with an academic approach. The site is pro-Tanakh and will explore history, archaeology, and textual criticism to comprehend the development of the Jesus movement before the parting of ways with Judaism. It aims to emphasize that Jesus and his followers were seen as Jewish and part of Judaism, and that the conversion of Gentiles to Judaism by the community of James and Peter continued, with some Jewish followers remaining distinctly Jewish for centuries. It is important to note that this is not a study of Jewish-Christians, but rather an examination of Jews who followed Jesus within Judaism before the emergence of Christianity. Anti-Judaism is not welcome in this group, which focuses on Jewish perspectives within an academic framework.

This is an attempt to work out the Jewish Reclamation of Jesus, trying to understand him within Judaism before Christianity existed. The group’s objective is to understand Jesus within Judaism before the influence of Christian perspectives during the historical Jesus movement. It seeks to reclaim Jesus within Judaism, separate from Christianity, Messianic, or Hebrew Roots movements. The study incorporates textual criticism, historical Jesus research, and Jewish scholarship into the New Testament to assert the following beliefs:

  • The New Testament lacks historical accuracy.
  • The New Testament is not divinely inspired.
  • The New Testament has not been divinely preserved.
  • The New Testament was written by individuals decades and even millennia after the events it portrays.
  • Original autographs of the New Testament do not exist.
  • Consequently, the New Testament is not the most reliable source for understanding the historical Jesus as a Jewish figure.
  • To ascertain historical accuracy, we rely on modern Jewish and secular scholarship and engage in historical reconstruction.
  • Through textual criticism, we strive to identify the potentially most authentic sayings of Jesus, following the Q hypothesis in relation to the synoptic gospels.
  • The New Testament bears the influence of Roman culture and language, making it a non-Jewish text with glimpses of Jewish source material.
  • Greco-Roman influences, including Hellenistic, Stoic, Gnostic, and paganistic elements (e.g., Zoroastrianism) and the Roman imperial cult, have shaped New Testament ideas of salvation and hell in a manner contrary to Jewish tradition, resulting in a narrative distinct from the Jewish religion.
  • Both Jewish and secular scholarship acknowledge approximately 500,000 textual errors among the 5,800 New Testament manuscripts. These variations include theological revisions that were added by later editors and were not believed by the original followers.
  • The seven most authentic epistles of Paul were written prior to the gospels, with the gospels reflecting the addition of Pauline theology.
  • Jesus might have been an actual person, with the only point of agreement among Jewish scholars being that he was baptized by John for the repentance of sins and was crucified.
  • Jewish scholars concur that Jesus was not born of a virgin, was not resurrected, is not a savior, may be considered a false prophet, and failed as the Messiah.
  • Judaism represents the religion of Jesus, while Christianity is a religion centered around Jesus.
  • The term “Jewish-Christian,” used to describe the early understanding of Jesus in Judaism, is a misnomer.

Understanding Jesus within Judaism can aid us in grappling with a culture in which Christianity has altered the Jewish message. Given the history of crusades, pogroms, the Holocaust, and inquisitions that have harmed the Jewish people, recognizing Jesus within a Jewish context becomes crucial.

The Catholic Church, in Nostra Aetate, ceased evangelizing Jews and acknowledged them as a covenant people within Judaism. In response, Jewish scholars released Dibre Emet, recognizing the place of Righteous Gentiles, including the offspring of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, in Olam HaBa (the world to come). While agreement may not be necessary, it is important to foster understanding and coexistence.
